Come see Steve Curtis & Tom Dolan November 17-21, 2019
for: American Nuclear Society's (ANS) - Winter Meeting & Expo
at: Marriott Wardman Park - Washington DC
We hope you can meet us when we will be manning our booth at the 2019 American Nuclear Winter Meeting & Expo.
We will be pushing this issue hard and heavy on both state and federal level as well as teaching any and all about the benefits of the Carbon Free Nuclear Energy. We need your help both near and far to help get the word out.
While we understand the unknown can be daunting and even scary, this is why we want to educate citizens and even anti-nuclear groups on the overall "Things Nuclear".
Once you have the correct complete picture and knowledge we need to get our representatives moving towards recycling Spent Nuclear Fuel as well as revitalizing the Carbon Free Nuclear Movement by writing your local and federal representatives to push for this proposal for Virginia to become the first Consent State to become law.
We are not certain which booth will be assigned to us yet, but here is the layout of the Expo